Salmon Arm Minor Hockey Association Boundaries
In general, only registrants residing within the authorized boundaries of the Salmon Arm Minor Hockey Association (SAMHA) may register, and play, on SAMHA teams. There are some exceptions to this rule which involve applying for special exceptions from one of our parent organizations, the British Columbia Hockey (BCHockey). These exceptions have to be applied for by the registrant, and approved by BCHockey, each year. SAMHA follows the rules on player residency as adopted by Hockey Canada in their Regulations. In simple terms, a player is eligible to register with SAMHA if the player habitually resides with his/her parent(s), within our Association boundaries. For additional information regarding the Hockey Canada residency rules, including guardianship of players, check out the Hockey Canada website, or contact our Registrar.
First-Time Registrants To SAMHA
If this is your first time registering with SAMHA, you will require the following information in addition to your Player Registration Application:
- A photocopy of the player's birth certificate;
- Documentation in support of your residency within SAMHA boundaries: minimum of two pieces - utility bill (except telephone), lease agreement, etc; and
- A BCHockey Declaration Of Residence Form and supporting documentation (only for players moving to SAMHA who were previously registered with another minor hockey association). The appropriate form can be found at the BCHockey website.
SAMHA Residency Boundaries
To verify if you reside within the Salmon Arm Minor Hockey Association boundaries, check to see if your home is located within our boundaries as described below. Please note that this description is in abridged format from the official, more complex and detailed, boundaries description on file with our parent associations. However the version shown here describes our general boundaries as they would apply to the majority of eligible residences.
Generally speaking, if your are residing in one of the following areas, you are definitely included within our Association boundaries:
- City of Salmon Arm;
- Tappen;
- Gleneden;
- Canoe;
- Sunnybrae and Paradise Point;
- Carlin;
- Balmoral;
- White Lake;
- Notch Hill;
- Sorrento
- Shuswap Lake Estates;
- Blind Bay and Eagle Bay;
- Silver Creek and Yankee Flats; and
- Mt. Ida.
If you're in an outlying area, refer to the boundaries description below.
- East Boundary: From the northern tip of the South Cinnemousun Narrows Provincial Park, follow the shoreline south to Canoe Point. Continue directly south across Shuswap Lake and continue to the western shore of Mara Lake, directly across from Mara Lake Provincial Park.
- South Boundary: From the point on the western shore of Mara Lake, follow the height of land southwest to the junction of Grandview Bench Road and Hwy 97B, but not including Grandview Bench Road. Follow the height of land and cross Hwy 97B, continuing west to the north end of Deep Creek, but not including Mt. Ida, to the head of Haines Creek. Follow the drainage route of Haines Creek to the Salmon River. Follow the Salmon River south to the junction at Hwy 97 at Swebbe's Bridge. Follow Hwy 97, past Falkland, to the junction of Pinaus Lake Road.
- West Boundary: From the junction of Hwy 97 and Pinaus Lake Road, follow the height of land north to the Chase Creek-Falkland Road at Pillar Lake. Follow the height of land northeast to Fleming Lake. Proceed northwest along the Skimikin Road and Turtle Valley Road (but not including these roads) to the mouth of the Shuswap Lake, at a point located approximately at Little River Boat World on Hwy 1.
- North Boundary: From the mouth of the Shuswap Lake, at a point located approximately at Little River Boat World on Hwy 1, follow the shoreline east including Sorrento, Blind Bay and Eagle Bay to the northern tip of the South Cinnemousun Narrows Provincial Park.
Adjacent Minor Hockey Associations
Salmon Arm Minor Hockey Association belongs to the Okanagan Mainline Amateur Hockey Association (OMAHA), which is a regional district association of the provincial British Columbia Hockey Association (BCHockey). According to BCHockey, the following OMAHA minor hockey associations are all considered to be adjacent to SAMHA for different purposes, including player transfer:
- Chase;
- North Okanagan;
- Revelstoke;
- Sicamous;
- Valemount; and
- Vernon.

SAMHA Mission Statement
Promote respect, sportsmanship and skill development in players at all levels. Through a shared responsibility with parents, we are committed to promote a positive hockey experience in a safe environment.